The Enhancement Theme has addressed the topic of “Access, outcomes and opportunities for Māori students and for Pasifika students”. Each university developed its own objectives and plan for the enhancement theme. Enhancement Theme activities have been overseen by an Enhancement Theme Steering Group.
This group reports to the New Zealand Vice-Chancellors Committee.
Members of the Steering Group are:
Professor Robyn Longhurst, University of Waikato, Chair of the Enhancement Theme Steering Group
Professor John Morrow, The University of Auckland
Walter Fraser, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Sarah-Jane Tiakiwai, University of Waikato
Professor Giselle Byrnes, Massey University
Associate Professor Meegan Hall, Victoria University of Wellington
Professor Catherine Moran, University of Canterbury
Dr Lorraine Petelo, Lincoln University
Margaret Morgan, University of Otago
Dr Darryn Russell, Chair, Te Kāhui Amokura
Tuari Potiki, Te Kāhui Amokura
Associate Professor Hon. Luamanuvao Dame Winnie Laban, Pasifika member
Dr Tasilete Teevale, Pasifika member
Mamaeroa Merito, Tumuaki, Te Mana Ākonga
Ali Leota, Pasifika student member
Sheelagh Matear, AQA Executive Director, and Fiona Johnson-Bell, Te Pouhārō, Portfolio Manager – Education System & Māori, UNZ, provide additional support to the group.
Terms of Reference
The overarching purpose of the Enhancement Theme Steering Group is to oversee and guide the enhancement theme activities.
The Enhancement Theme Steering Group will establish objectives, maintain progress, receive reports on and comment on the work of the enhancement theme and make recommendations based on this work